Do you ever just have thoughts that seem to stick with you?

Ever since I was young there has been something that seems to keep my mind thinking. It could be something small like what will I have for dinner? Sometimes it is complex things that are out of my control. No matter the size or severity of the thought, my mind is always thinking.

In the last few years my mind keeps going back to what is best for Gracelyn’s over all health. See as we have had to continue to add more medications, just to try to control the seizures, and other medical conditions. My mind and heart know that Josh and I have hard choices to make in the area of her health. With every medication change, my heart aches to see yet another medication not working for her. The change in her personality, add aggression or medications that cause her to only want to sleep.

Over the last few months, my mind kept asking the same questions. With multiple medications that are not working to stop serious seizures. My thought’s are full. Are we doing the right thing to help for? At what point does it become quality of life or quantity? For most parents these questions will never be something they will ever face. My mind has so many other parts of her life that keep my brain going. My mind is worried for Ava as she goes though all this…

Through all the thoughts that keep running though my mind, I know I serve a God of Love, and Grace. I know He will Guide me though trials in life, and sees what I are going though family and also my family. He ask me to place my worries and dreams in his hands. To live in a faith that trust him to provide ever thing that is needed. I am so grateful to know he loves me just the way I am.

Give God the thoughts that consume your thoughts and let him guide you.

Love Your all
