I ask you what do you see in this picture? 

For us we see a miracle.  Her daddy and I see misunderstanding. Hope.  Strength. Joy. Love that has no conditions.  

Letter to are Brave Warrior Primces.  

Mommy and Daddy knew the day we got the Call on June 7, 2011 that you were going to change our WORLD. Little did we know that you would change and show the world that being RARE was worth it. Gracelyn you will always be our baby. You have shown us that no matter what Doctors say you should do. Baby girl you have always had a will to fight harder and show the world that a Diagnosis is just that. Everyday you fight Rare disorder like Schizencephaly, ONH, Ichthyosis vulgaris and neutropenia. Not to mention epilepsy. You are a Brave Warrior Princess.