It all started February 25, 2006.  Joshua and I said “I DO”.  Those two words changed everything. 

One year later we found out that we were pregnant with our miracle baby.  After many hurdles to being her into the world, we JOYFULLY welcomed Ava Sari on October 16, 2007.


Ava 4 years older.

In 2010 God spoke to Joshua and I.  He said it was time to start the adoption Journey.  Never know how he was changing our heart.  June 8, 2011 was life changing.  We welcomed Gracelyn Bliss.  She has brought Joy to everyone around her.

Gracelyn 4 1/2 months old


What the future hold we do not know.  We know that God is moving us to adopt again.  We know that with out a village, this dream is not possible.