This year Christmas 2014 is spent in Texas. Coming home to Texas has been good. The drive was hard, since the snow thought Colorado and parts of New Mexico was bad.

Our first stop was at The Blackwell. They became adopted family when Ava was born. They are also known as Aunt Janet and Uncle Dawain. Even though we had not seen them for almost 2 years it was if we had only been gone a few months. My heart never wants to leave them. There is a peace that I can explain when with them.

We finally made it to our final stop. Granny and Papa’s house. We feel blessed to have a safe trip here and been blessed by the gifts.

This trip has not been without some event. On December 26, 2014 I was seating at the dining room table when I glanced up to Gracelyn placing something should not have in her mouth. I got up to get it out and she went running. So I went after her. As soon as I hit the tile floor at my In laws, both my feet went out from under me. I can down hard on the tile floor. Joshua took me to the ER near by. They took x-Rays. They found no broken bones. They gave ms muscle relaxers and strong pain meds. I am not able to left Gracelyn for awhile. The ER also said if my back continued to hurt to go see a back specialist.









