Over the last week we have been given many chances to share our heart for adoption. We know that our plan was in God’s hands.

As the week drew to a close, Joshua and I started a discussion on why we had not heard from the adoption agency. Friday was full of getting legal documents. I called my mom to check in with her. We got talking about how we had not heard anything about the baby or birth-mom in over a week. I got the feeling I needed to call and get answers. Several hours later I got a call from the director of the agency. To make it short, she tells me that they have talked about our case and decided, due to the fact that they have not been able to touch base with the Birth-mom for two week, they feel that she must have changed her mind. We are sad that things didn’t work out. I can tell you that God plan is not mine. We are stepping forward, knowing that something better will come out of what has happened.

Please pray that as we go forward the funds will come in and God’s hand will guide us every step. Joshua and I are still waiting on news of a grant and will continue to save and apply for grants.