To prepare for our Home study is much different here in Colorado. One we are currently Renting. The unknown of how long we will be at this apartment is unknown. We do know that if we get a boy we would need three bedrooms. We know going into this Home study we want special needs. We also know that we are willing to adopt birth to three.

We have chosen to use Lutheran Family Services for many reasons. They will be walking with us hand in hand till the end. We will still be using the awesome Tracie Loux as a adoption consultant.

We are are wanting to be fully funded before starting the process. What we know that means is to have all home study fees, post placement fees and home visits after child is home. We are looking at $4,500. We will need anywhere from $10k to $20k for adoption. We will need travel cost. Travel can depend on length of stay and ICP. To complete adoption we are looking at $1,500 to $2,500 in lawyers fees. So this Adoption we are needing to come up with between $16k – $27k.

This Journey is Gods. We will walk it in His time. We all have ways to help. Don’t be afraid of asking.
