Epilepsy is referred to as the evil purple monster. It comes to show it’s evil self when is only convenient to it’s self. This weekend was not an exception.

We left Friday for Round Up River Ranch for epilepsy camp. The moment we arrived the magic of being at camp was nothing short of amazing. Saturday was nothing short of fun and adventure. Yet Gracelyn’s ugly purple monster visited 5 times Saturday. She had 5 absent seizures though out the day. Never bad enough to require rescue meds, Thank God. Also super grateful for being around other people who understand the evil purple monster. As we love this magical camp to go home we know that we are not alone in this journey. We also know that many families have stories just like ours. Days the are all about serving.

Round Up River Ranch we hope to be part of camp next year. That we can find a way to thank you for what you have meant to all four of us. We want to thanks all the those that volunteer there time to make Camp magical. We know this camp is not possible with out the donors and volunteers. Till next year RRR.