When God called Joshua and I to adopt, we know his plan was bigger then we could see with human eyes. The journey thought adoption was full of hurtful words and many nights asking God where the money would come from. After many fundraiser, some that brought in little and others that provide. We say the Hands of God working. He provide us with a matching grant. We know that the tax credit would pay for that personal loan that was needed. We never said NO to God.

We had 4 fail adopt. God worked in all of them. You might ask how and why? Not one of those fail lost us money. We lost our travel that we saved for adoption, even then God made that out to be a blessing. The day the agency called and said that we got matched, my heart was full of peace. They asked if we could be there by morning? I know that we could leave that day. We would need to drive 26 hours, but we would be there as soon as we could. June 8, 2011 our daughter entered the world with us 3 hours from the hospital. We could not get there fast enough. We got there and had to see birth mom first. After talking with Bliss we know our daughter was waiting for us. It was love at first sight.


Gracelyn was diagnosed on January 25, 2012 with a rare brain disorder called Schizencephaly. Since then she has had seizures and cerabal palsy added to her diagnosis. There are many thing that she will need that our insurance will not cover in full. The trust god to provide. We ask that you would pray if God wants you to be part of helping provide in this need. We have also set up a page on Go Fund Me. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Femail.gofundme.com%2Fwf%2Fclick%3Fupn%3DF0PHeOF0OgCLjus7brE3cUlITHcWurNaf-2F6OP0ngW8uOxmixdvWnpJ86-2BzFABRr1eY8xSJREL3kTDe66GJn7AaqmlYyPpKlcneGJHVqI-2Bj3a0FwMu3MakFpxAyGgT1S-2F4gtl-2BSnYSJxdfDto2CajTg-3D-3D_cDmXY1OrecmQuEHwCTFnu5wQlDyzCDz8oOkoDNNkPj2D-2FbvavSHxALfU2IEvI9-2FyMc62vkUfFrC2J5FpazrhtUl6HhCsk5dFBAqgfwSmcPnIi8JwOWh2lFACzz2wWjc9571wdHI0Qhc1vxPjznPGFRcTD5hKSC3oTrBxjB37fFODueVwJ5iTjPXcrTdFa9cJ0WNjCatxOEvTEdPF9ujKenaoDn7ROhMBde-2BnZVXgUuM-3D&h=4AQE1MxN1&s=1