The Good and Bad 

Our Sweet girl Gracelyn has had many medical struggles over her 10 years.  Being born with Schizencephaly has made it hard.  See Gracelyn seemed healthy at birth. Her development slowly got more behind.  The doctor sent us to neurology to see what is going on.  Her MRI came back and confirmed that what the Doctor felt was much worse […]

Thought that run though the Mind

Do you ever just have thoughts that seem to stick with you? Ever since I was young there has been something that seems to keep my mind thinking. It could be something small like what will I have for dinner? Sometimes it is complex things that are out of my control. No matter the size […]

How It All Started

Thank for taking the time to join us on this Journey we call life. We know that everyone’s life takes them in different directions. Our life just seems to have been full of new obstacles at every turn. See let me take you back to where it all started. The journey started with two busy […]