Christmas 2014 Part 1

This year Christmas 2014 is spent in Texas. Coming home to Texas has been good. The drive was hard, since the snow thought Colorado and parts of New Mexico was bad. Our first stop was at The Blackwell. They became adopted family when Ava was born. They are also known as Aunt Janet and Uncle […]

Never is a Strong Word

Never is a Strong word. If I could count how many times I have heard that word in my life. I would be one rich person. As many times that I have taken the word “never”, and turned into a care. Doing things that seemed impossible. Tonight was once again a night that provided that […]

Lifetime Chance For Gracelyn

If you are reading this blog post you are dear to our Heart. We have two once in a lifetime chances coming up. We need your help and support to make it all happen. A dear friend is currently working out all the details. For her Son and 3 other schiz kids to arm wrestle […]