Rare disorders Day 2017 

I ask you what do you see in this picture?  For us we see a miracle.  Her daddy and I see misunderstanding. Hope.  Strength. Joy. Love that has no conditions.   Letter to are Brave Warrior Primces.   Mommy and Daddy knew the day we got the Call on June 7, 2011 that you were […]

In the back of our minds

When Death knocks….. As a special needs parent this is always is the back of our minds. What happens when death knocks? How will the soul handle the death? What if one scapes death?  All these questions are faced by most Special needs parents. There questions that no parent should face. If you are faced […]


Dreams  My times I find myself letting the size of my Dreams take over my fears. During those time I also find myself most unhappy. I find myself making it hard for my Husband to let change happen in our world.   We are currently facing a cross roads in his career. The fear of […]