
In our home Grace is given often. It is not without that grace that we continue to make it Day to day. As the Day comes to an end. I reflect on what World Cerebral Palsy Day means in our life. We know the term Cerebral Palsey meant long before we Adopted Gracelyn. But little […]

Peace in the Storm

You ever find yourself in a Storm that you can’t control? For some it might be the storms that Nature unleashes. Other times it might been spiritual. Or maybe that of Flesh and Blood. No matter the Storm. How you come though it matters most. The lyrics to the song above has taken great meaning. […]


Many times I have been asked why I am so protective of Gracelyn when it comes to her health. For Me is a simple answer. She is thriving. The journey to this point is not been without lots work and struggle. This journey is filled with many moments that cause us to make split second […]