Benefit Luncheon
Good news! We have gotten word of a possible match which means, more than ever, We need You to partner with Us to Help meet Our Adoption Goal of $25,000.00. Given the possibility of being matched so quickly, we need to meet our Goal’s Deadline by February 20th, 2011. We will be holding a Benefit […]
God’s will be done
Today we are sending our profile and home-study to a birthmom to review. We will need to finish raising the fees to complete the adoption and believe it will all happen in his timing. If she does choose us, we will need to be funded one week from baby’s birth. The birthmom is due in […]
I will Follow
The question has been asked, why start the Journey of Adoption now? We believe that God is our Guide. Joshua and I have talked about opening our home to a life in need, even before we were married. God placed it heavy on our heart to start making a way for another child to join […]